Our Recent FAQS

Frequently Asked Question &
Answers Here

How does the flexible class schedule work?

Our flexible class schedule allows you to choose classes that fit your timetable, providing convenience and adaptability to your lifestyle.

What educational programs are available at EduGram?

EduGram offers a diverse array of educational programs across various subjects, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching learning experience.

Can I join live classes from anywhere?

Absolutely! EduGram's live classes are designed to be accessible from any location, giving you the freedom to learn without boundaries.

How can I apply to teach at EduGram?

To join our passionate team of educators, simply visit the 'Careers' section on our website and follow the application instructions provided.

Is there a community for students and faculty to connect?

Yes, EduGram fosters a vibrant learning community where students and faculty can connect, collaborate, and engage in a supportive academic environment.

Are there resources for professional development for teachers?

Absolutely! EduGram is committed to the continuous growth of our educators. We provide resources and opportunities for professional development to enhance teaching skills and stay updated with the latest educational trends.

Do you Still have Questions?

Call Anytime +(92) 307-16765412
